April 29, 2016 in CSS

Evenly spaced multi-line navigation using Flexbox module (CSS3)

Recently, in one of my project, the client asked me to create a multi-line navigation, which should be evenly spaced according to link text. One major consideration was that navigation should be dynamic and the number of links can be changed in future if needed.

May 7, 2015 in PSD to HTML

Dear “PSD to HTML”, it’s time to evolve!

Of late, I often see a discussion as “Is PSD to HTML dead”? Having been involved in this art for few years, I am scared to answer ‘Possibly Yes’ to it, but we can rephrase this question as “Is PSD to HTML still relevant?” This is quite a thought-provoking question. So, lets discuss whether there […]

April 17, 2015 in Snippets, Wordpress

Shortcode to get page URLs

We usually need to add interlinking between different pages of a website. WordPress provides a wonderful mechanism to add links between pages. But sometimes we need more control over the links. This shortcode makes it easy to find URL of a page, by it’s ID, Slug, or Title.

November 14, 2014 in CSS, Snippets

How to remove dotted outline and input borders

Most browsers show a dotted line around links (anchor tags), this is an accessibility feature used for people who are not using mouse. When they are switching between links using tab key (or any other keys) on their keyboard, this dotted outline helps them in finding which particular link is currently selected, and then they […]

November 13, 2014 in Wordpress

How to backup your projects in MAMP using Dropbox

Its always a good idea to keep a backup of your projects. Your projects are your hard work after all. There are other tools like SVN, GIT, etc., these tools have their own benefits but dropbox is comparatively easy to setup and use.

November 10, 2014 in CSS

Change color of text on selection

You can change color of text on selection using CSS, you can also change background color of selected text to highlight it on selection.

January 21, 2013 in Snippets, Wordpress

How to add arrow to parent menu in wordpress navigation

We sometimes need to add a small arrow to indicate that there is a submenu for a menu item in navigation. There is no direct way of adding a css class to parent menus in wordpress, however i found following piece of code on stack overflow, this is an easy way to add a CSS […]

June 5, 2012 in PSD to HTML

Sticky Footer

As the web designs continue to evolve for new trends and practices, many a times these days we see that the footer of a website pages is so designed that there is no white space below the footer. In such cases, we need to make the footer as sticky so that it stays at the […]