August 7, 2024 in Wordpress
When managing a WordPress site, there might come a time when you need to rename a custom post type or taxonomy. Whether it’s due to rebranding, a change in functionality, or simply improving the clarity of your site’s structure, renaming a custom post type or taxonomy can be a necessary task. However, it’s crucial to […]
April 11, 2024 in Wordpress
One way to give users more control over their website’s appearance is by allowing them to change background images for both desktop and mobile views. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to achieve this using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and the wp_add_inline_style function in WordPress. Step 1: Install and Set Up ACF Before we […]
April 24, 2019 in Wordpress
Let’s take a look at the Gutenberg Block in its simplest form to understand how a block works, and how can we create our own blocks. Gradually we will move on to understand more advanced stuff to make more interesting blocks. (Editable blocks, Toolbars, Options, etc.) WordPress has many inbuilt libraries that allow us to […]
April 9, 2018 in Cheat Sheet, Freebies, WooCommerce, Wordpress
WooCommerce comes with its own template structure, hooks, and functions. It takes a lot of time to find the relevant hooks, functions or template files when you want to make some changes in WooCommerce. I have created this series of Visual Guides / Cheat Sheets to make it easier to find the information regarding a […]
March 27, 2018 in Cheat Sheet, Freebies, WooCommerce, Wordpress
WooCommerce comes with its own template structure, hooks, and functions. It takes a lot of time to find the relevant hooks, functions or template files when you want to make some changes in WooCommerce. I have created this series of Visual Guides / Cheat Sheets to make it easier to find the information regarding a […]
April 17, 2015 in Snippets, Wordpress
We usually need to add interlinking between different pages of a website. WordPress provides a wonderful mechanism to add links between pages. But sometimes we need more control over the links. This shortcode makes it easy to find URL of a page, by it’s ID, Slug, or Title.
April 9, 2015 in Snippets, Wordpress
Custom WordPress Shortcode to show product quantity available in stock. Make sure you have added product quantity in inventory section of product.
November 13, 2014 in Wordpress
Its always a good idea to keep a backup of your projects. Your projects are your hard work after all. There are other tools like SVN, GIT, etc., these tools have their own benefits but dropbox is comparatively easy to setup and use.
January 21, 2013 in Snippets, Wordpress
We sometimes need to add a small arrow to indicate that there is a submenu for a menu item in navigation. There is no direct way of adding a css class to parent menus in wordpress, however i found following piece of code on stack overflow, this is an easy way to add a CSS […]